There may be plenty of other trends that go in and out each year, but traditional Christmas decorations will be around forever. There is nothing like the beautiful red and green Christmas decorations mixed with bright white twinkling lights and the classic Santa with a fluffy beard and his reindeer. Traditional Christmas decorations feel so festive and cozy.
What’s really nice about traditional Christmas decorations is that you won’t feel like you have to buy new items each year since they aren’t “trendy”. These decorations will not only create a beautiful setting to celebrate the Christmas season, but they will also be part of the memories that you and your kids will have about Christmas. But, if one year you do decide to hop on one of the latest trends, you can easily switch out some of the more prominent decorations with trendier options without having to buy brand new everything.
One thing I’ve learned about decorating with traditional Christmas decorations is that these aren’t always items you can pick up on Amazon. It takes time to create a space like this. Picking up items at an antique store or shopping your mom’s Christmas cabinet are great ideas to make this space feel extra personalized. But, to help you get started – here are some of must-have traditional Christmas decorations.